Copy Data using Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Directories
The rsync tool is a *nix command that can be used on macOS, Ubuntu (Debian) and CEntOS (RHEL) systems to “remote sync” two directories either on a local or remote…
Copy Data Using robocopy to Sync Local and Remote Directories
First step is to map your share path via a Drive Letter “\\Sever\Share\Destination\Path”, ie: Z:\ Open a Windows Command line prompt and enter the command: Sometimes after a copy completes,…
Create Separate Zip Files From All Directories In Source Directory
Navigate to the desired source directory using cd Run the following command: for directory in */; do zip -r “/destination/path/${directory%/}.zip” “$directory”; done
MySQL and MariaDB mysqldump Backup and Recovery
The mysqldump command is used to produce a “.sql” file that contains a set of SQL statements. This file can be executed to reproduce the original database table data and…