Configuring a cron job using crontab -e
A cron job is a script that is scheduled to run at on a recurring basis according to the specified Day of Week, Month, Day of Month, Hour and Minute…
Copy Data using Rsync to Sync Local and Remote Directories
The rsync tool is a *nix command that can be used on macOS, Ubuntu (Debian) and CEntOS (RHEL) systems to “remote sync” two directories either on a local or remote…
Installing Python3 on macOS from the Terminal
There are two ways to install Python3 on macOS 10.15 and above. The first way is to allow the macOS to prompt you to perform the install via the command…
Controlling macOS Gatekeeper from the command line Terminal
To disable/enable the Gatekeeper run the following respectively:sudo spctl –master-disablesudo spctl –master-enable Check the status of Gatekeeper:spctl –status To add/remove an application to the approved application list:spctl –add /Path/To/Application.appspctl –remove…
Changing the hostname of your macOS computer from the command line terminal
Type in the following commands in order to change the hostname of your macOS computer from the command line.When entering the commands replace the “name” with the desired computer name.…