Mount SMB file share from Linux using gio
Type the following command from the terminal command prompt $: Where <servername> is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server, <sharename> is the name of the share on…
Setup Sendmail in GNU/Linux
Written by my colleague Marshall J. Krinitz Original Documentation Found Here. GNU/Linux 📫 Scope: Set up a general-purpose internetwork routing facility that supports SMTP. Dependencies Install these packages first, per your…
Configuring a cron job using crontab -e
A cron job is a script that is scheduled to run at on a recurring basis according to the specified Day of Week, Month, Day of Month, Hour and Minute…
Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS
Create a new virtual host file on your web server using the vi program: The primary host on the web server should be the first entry. Change the word “Hostname”…
Create Ubuntu Bootable USB Drive
Download the desired version of Ubuntu Convert the .iso file format into an .img file When the image file is complete it will actually end up as a .dmg…