Copy Data Using robocopy to Sync Local and Remote Directories
First step is to map your share path via a Drive Letter “\\Sever\Share\Destination\Path”, ie: Z:\ Open a Windows Command line prompt and enter the command: Sometimes after a copy completes,…
Create Separate Zip Files From All Directories In Source Directory
Navigate to the desired source directory using cd Run the following command: for directory in */; do zip -r “/destination/path/${directory%/}.zip” “$directory”; done
Rename all Files With Prefix
For example, rename all PDF files with NewPrefix: for selection in *.pdf; do mv — “$selection” “Prefix$selection”; done note: the — dashes allow the command to work even if the…
Creating and Unpacking Synology Log Files
Log Chrome to download the desired logs by logging into DMS and navigating to Main Menu > Support Center > Support Services. Note sometimes Firefox does not load the download…
Find the DIFFerence Between Two Folders on Windows Using robocopy
If you have two folders of data that you would like to compare without any data transferring, you may do so using the robocopy differential “diff” command as follows. Open…